Tag Archives: Pressure

Killer Quotes – Keith Miller on Pressure, war and cricket

“Pressure is a Messerschmitt up your arse, cricket is not.”

Keith Miller – Australian cricket legend

Keith ‘Nugget‘ Miller was a war hero who served in the RAF in the Battle for Europe and is widely regarded by those in the know as Australia’s greatest cricketing all rounder. He was a every inch the dashing hero with an Australian irreverence and disregard for authority, strikingly good looking with rakish charm and the confidence born of a knowledge and faith in his own abilities it is little wonder he was, reputedly, very much the ladies man even being romantically linked with Princess Margaret, the Queen’s younger sister.

Miller was the embodiment of the complete man and had the perspective to understand what those in the present generation of sporting celebrities seem, by and large to have forgotten and Roman Generals receiving tributes following a glorious conquest retained slaves to remind them of – Fame is fleeting, you need to keep perspective about what is real and what really counts. 

Killer Quotes – Patton on Pressure

“Pressure makes diamonds.”

Gen. George S. Patton

To say Patton was a colourful figure is understatement indeed but his ability to inspire valour and lead men was as renowned as his bristling lack of patience for politics and the political considerations to which his superiors were bound.  He did, however, have a hell of a way of summing up a situation.  Here’s his take on pressure.