Daily Archives: 2 March, 2012

Classic Tweets – @QPSmedia -Police have a sense of humour #youwillnotwindonteventry

Classic Tweets Medal

“What The? In the middle of the road? Large concrete block on Nudgee Rd, Nudgee. Drive carefully #youwillnotwindonteventry #bnetraffic”

Tweeted by – @QPSmedia on 2 March 2012

Kate Jones – Deceptive is not a commendable quality in a politician

So Much Fail!

Letting politicians loose with cameras and smartphones in the middle of an election campaign is never a good idea.

After all you wouldn’t let a child play with a shotgun would you?  Basically, on the political scene that is what Kate Jones, member for Ashgrove, has been allowed to do – shoot herself in the foot because her minders weren’t paying close enough attention.

Also our aspiring and sitting politicians appear to need to take a crash course in ethics and basic honesty as concepts such as truth and honesty seem to have bypassed their consciousness yet again.

That’s an awful lot of scorn to pour on poor old Kate Jones you may think.  Consider this –

  • Kate Jones and her entourage are door knocking within the Ashgrove electorate trying to drum up support for the March 24 Queensland State Election;
  • They (Kate and her entourage) knock on the door of a nicely presented home in Ashgrove to find that no one is home;
  • Instead of making their way off the property and on to the next home they move to the verandah of the unoccupied residence where Kate Jones MP is snapped shaking the hand of a male person;
  • Kate Jones MP then uploads the photograph to micro blogging service Twitter accompanied with a tweet about how she’s meeting with people in her electorate and discussing issues important to them;

The representation of the politician shaking the constituent’s hand on the verandah of the nicely presented Ashgrove residence is of course a lie.  Not only that, it is a lie told for the purposes of self promotion and political gain.  The conduct is knowingly and cynically designed to convey an image that is false and its publication is unethical. Continue reading

On This Day…1969

On This Day... 2 March 1969

On this day in 1969 the world’s first supersonic passenger aircraft, Concorde, had its first test flight.

Concorde was a joint initiative of Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation as a product of an Anglo-French government treaty. Concorde entered service in 1976 and continued commercial flights for 27 years.

Concorde had a cruising speed above Mach 2 and made the London to New York trip in under 5 hours which, allowing for time zones and the direction of travel, meant that you arrived at your destination before you left according to local time.

Concorde was finally retired in 2003 after its only crash, an Air France Concorde which exploded on takeoff in 2000.

Dad Joke of the day

Q – When is a car not a car?
A – When it turns into a driveway.